Information Design

Creating impactful education and communication involves more than just writing your knowledge out in a Word document. Good information design can help your concepts flow together more clearly, help students or stakeholders better grasp key ideas, and help elevate your brand so the quality of your product is as excellent as the quality of your expertise.
The Service Options
Heavy Duty Documents
Starting at €2,250
white papers • pitch decks • large workbooks
The What
Complex, multi-page, content-heavy documents, with their layout and text designed to more seamlessly make your point and grow your business.
The Why
Whether you're upgrading your brand offerings to include teachings and workbooks, or are trying to convince investors of the value of what you're building, having clear, professional pages is key.
The outcome
Copy & content development (if required!)
Engaging, accessible documents built to reflect your brand and speak to your audience
Illustrations, data visualizations, and other images to enhance your message and convey your brand personality
A design bank of images, icons, and building blocks so you can continue to create on-brand pages
Small But Mighty Pages
Starting at €1,000
brochures • social graphics & templates • client-facing forms
The What
Smaller documents and graphics that your clients regularly interact and engage with, built to make your message more accessible and their interaction with your products more engaging.
The Why
The smallest client touchpoints can have some of the biggest impact on your brand's image and strength, and they deserve to look as good as you are.
The outcome
Copy & content development (if required!)
Engaging, accessible templates & pages built to help your clients quickly & easily engage with your brand & what it has to offer
Working Adobe files so you can recycle the layouts ad infinitum
Bespoke graphics, gathered in a brand database for future use
Support Subscription
Starting at €2,000/mo
The What
A partner in helping your business blossom with regular, bespoke design support
The Why
You're a growing business that understands the value of well designed products & client touchpoints, but aren't quite ready to have a full design department.
The how
1 meeting per week (choose to utilize this or not!)
2 design requests at a time
72hr design turn around for most requests
Social media graphics, ad creatives, document design
...and more! Let's discuss your specific needs.
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